The enemy is a liar, a master of deceit! If he cannot succeed in demoralizing us to the point that we forsake our faith, he will try to neutralize us by making us miserable. He does so by feeding us a constant stream of plausible lies about ourselves, others, and God.

He will do whatever he can to cause us to feel confused, defeated, or filled with worry and anxiety. But there are a few practicle things that we can apply to help strengthen us and overcome the lies that we've been told. 

1. One way to guard against such lies is to make obedience a cherished habit. Disobedience makes us vulnerable to all manner of evil. 
2. Another way is to pray and read Scripture so that when you hear a lie that contradicts God’s Word, you will recognize it for what it is. 
3. A third way is to build a community with like minded believers. Voicing our doubts and fears to such friends can expose lies that might otherwise flourish inside our minds. 

Today, ask yourself what is making you fearful, angry, anxious, or doubtful. If you find you have unknowingly been harboring a lie, reject it, and ask God to help you embrace the truth with faith and peace.


Lord, may your Spirit dwell in us, transforming our mind and making us quick to recognize the truth and reject the lies.



Pastor Marla